37:45.79W 23:07.83E Korfos
Tuesday 22nd September, 2015.
Vathy turned out to be a very big problem. We had had a lovely walk on the Sunday afternoon around the bay and climbed the hill to look over to the next bay. Monday morning started off well but very quickly the skies darkened and the wind started. Unfortunately, for us the fishermen had put out lots of anchors and ropes for their fishing boats and we were stuck as one was over our chain.
We moved over away from the charter boat next to us and Jim had the motor on and we eased ourselves forward as the wind started to bring a huge surge into the little harbour. The very kindly restaurant man was trying very hard to help everyone in pouring rain. The charter boat was hit by the boat next to it and in turn he hit us as he moved forward as well which just caused us more trouble as his mast hit ours and we lost the See Me, LED anchor light and bent our new Raymarine windy gear whereas he was only hitting the back stay. The surging went on for ten minutes or so and once the thunder and lightning had passed the wind dropped and there was prefect peace as nothing had happened.
No damage to the paint work just the expensive items were lost to the seabed. We were not hurt ourselves and at the end of the day it is only money to replace the items in a freak storm. If possible we would have left the harbour but we were trapped by the fisherman’s anchor.
The charter company is the same one where we saved the boat off of Delos back in June. There problems didn’t end there as the skipper hurt his foot and it swelled up and was taken off to the doctors and arrived back in a boot. As they were having lunch their electricity line caught fire and set the yellow throwing line ablaze. Luckily they were not far from the boat and managed to put the fire out. Thank goodness we didn’t see them again.
The next day we left Vathy after a lovely meal the night before at the red check tablecloths. The weather forecast for the next few days is good so we headed to Korfos 14.3 miles away having to motor all the way as the wind was on the nose again.
We anchored in the bay for two nights before spotting a space on the pontoon where we moved to yesterday. We are resting doing a few polishing jobs before we are lifted in two weeks time. It is very quiet here with only a few restaurants and quite a few already closed up. I was lucky enough to hear the vegetable and fruit van coming this morning and buy fresh items as the little supermarket doesn’t even have lettuce.
A small sardine jumped onto Ariel but I was quick enough to get it back in the water and it swam away. Lots of small fishing boats here are going in and out all day long. Small fish can be seen jumping across the water being chased by a bigger fish.