36:43.90N 28:00.86E Buyuk Cati, Gokova Bay.

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Wed 28 May 2014 17:11


Saturday 24th May, 2014.


After breakfast and some food shopping from the restaurant shop and a favourable  weather report we set off to head out of Gokova Gulf and make some miles towards Gocek.  It was only nine o’clock when we left the pontoon but as soon we were out of English Harbour bay the wind started to kick in and we managed to do about eleven miles before we had to change our plans and find a safe anchorage.  The sea changed from a few white crests to a surge of waves hitting us on the bow and slamming the boat.  The weather report showed very little wind for the day coming from the North West but it was West which may be caused by the high mountains around the gulf and the wind finding the least resistance.


Buyuk Cati is just beautiful with a small quay of very tiny fishing boat and pine trees all around the water’s edge. Once we passed One Tree Island our whole world changed from being blown about to perfect calm.  We had covered over nineteen miles which is acceptable.


We heard a wood pecker singing and saw two turtles not far from Ariel.  A honey buzzard flew over the woods.  The water was turquoise blue and very clear so as the water temperature was 28 degrees we had to swim.


While we were reading two chaps at different times came walking in the water around the bay with their sacks and a piece of net looking to throw the net into the water to catch a fish.  One did come back hours later with one tiny fish.  We were shocked that around 7 o’clock one of the fishing boats put a net across the whole entrance to this very little bay when we had been told by the restaurant that morning further up the coast that fishing was banned in the area. Perhaps different rules for other areas.


This is a very special place and one we will come back to one day in the future.

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