37:37.10N 23:23.79E Top western end bay of Poros

31:37.10N 23:23.79E
Top western end bay of Poros
Tuesday 19th May, 2015.
We have had a lovely few days sitting in Navy Bay and dinghying in for dinner and the shops. We met up with Fran and Bruce on their Study 50 who we last saw in Marmaris, Turkey. They are on their way home to sale their boat which they have enjoyed for the last ten years. We introduced them to Poseidon and we all ate there on Monday night which just happens to be the evening when Greek dancers entertain. We all had the fish selection of sawfish, black bream, prawns and saw fish. Fabulous meal served with toasted bread and oil, chips, salad, a litre of wine, bottle of water and a lemoncello for the sum of 36 euros the equal of roughly £27 per couple.
We decided to go on the quay for water and food supplies. We had not been over to Galatas on the ferry which we did for 1.60 euros each there and back. We enjoyed the scenery looking over to Poros and wandering along the very old fashioned shops to Lidl’s where we stocked up on a few favourites. The packs of milk were 20 cents each cheaper which paid the ferry fare.
During the afternoon we moved to the western end of the large bay to where lots of people go as it is quiet. We spent a wonderful afternoon and evening in this lovely area with just the birds and fish and two or three yachts for company. During the evening there was a quick sun set over Poros town and then the twinkling lights appeared. It was magical scene.
Unexpectantly, a shower of rain fell after dark for a few minutes. Nothing like what we hear has fallen in England in the last few days!
This morning (20th) we wake to a bright sunny day with the little fishes jumping all over the place and a very still water. Just the place for a stress free day!