38:30.74N 26:13.01E Mandraki Harbour, Oinoussa Island.
Wednesday, 4th September, 2013.
Jim had arranged for delivery of a new dinghy and therefore we said farewell to our dinghy which has gone to a chap at the shop for fishing who is going to do repairs and make use of it for a while. Therefore, on Tuesday I managed the housework and washing while Jim played with the new dinghy. The new cover for the original baby Ariel was fitted and slightly fine tuned for the second dinghy.
We left Mitilini with the north wind behind us and we sailed the 46.87 miles down to Oinoussa Island on a very choppy short sea. Just as we got to the island the wind dropped and we anchored in the harbour just as it started to get dark.
Oinoussa is famous for producing the richest ship owning families of Greece including the richest of them all, Costa Lemos.