37:22.703N 026:44.136E Arki Island
Arki Island
11th June, 2021.
We were all eager to visit Arki and the harbour wall at St. Augusta is renown for being very packed so we came the two miles across from Marathos to look and see if it was possible. We anchored in the pool before the harbour and had coffee while we assessed the situation. A ferry came in and thank goodness turned before us so no worries. Jim launched the dinghy with the engine on to investigate the depth of the water at the harbour wall. There looked as if there was three places but not knowing the place he had a plum line with him as we need 2 metres under the keel and wasn’t willing to risk touching the rudder. The end boat told him there was at least 4 metres so we soon had baby Ariel on the deck, fenders down, lines ready to back onto the wall.
I recognized a chap swimming in the clear water as someone who was on the Dodecanese Rally with the Cruising Association in 2013. A much remembered and talked about sailing rally of our sailing Ariel perhaps a second to winning the 4 day Ionian racing rally in 2010.