37:58.38N 24:19.00E Nea Marmari, Evia Island

Saturday 13th
July, 2013.
Up like larks, breakfast and sails up and on our way soon after 8 a.m. Although the forecast showed locally north going north east 5 we ventured across the water known as Petalion to the island of Evia to assist our journey north. We had a brilliant sail and at times the gusts were showing 23 to 27 knots of wind. Ariel loves the wind although not the confused sea but we covered the 21 miles in less than three hours. All the hatches were closed and locked and after a few sprays of water on my back up came the hood. This section of water is known to be one of the most confused seas in the world due to the high mountains.
As we navigated our way between the uninhabited islands off shore we took the sails down and motored into the bay up to the town quay. Although it suggests backing on to the quay the ferry had got there before us and very small fishing boats were in front of the restaurants so we motored to the end of the moorings but there was no let up from the wind and no cover. An old gentleman in the rudy-do was up at the bow bringing his anchor in in gusting wind. We therefore decided to try the little bay on one of the deserted islands before having to move up the coast at least another 20 miles.
The town looks small and perhaps once a fishing village but now it serves tourists from Athens and visiting yachts men. The mountains around the bay are very high and quite barren with Mount Okhi at 1397 metres in the background.
We had anchored in the little bay and decided to wait and see what happened with the wind once the sunset came. As usual the wind dropped and we were left to a very still night.
The bay has pale blue water and a beach and is a little sheltered but hopefully the wind will die and allow us to stay the night. It would be a wonderful place for families to enjoy themselves.