Olbia to Corsica 21.9.2010 to 27.9.2010

Olbia to Corsica 21.9.2010 to 27.9.2010
Geoff and Viv joined us on the 20th September in Olbia and we were able to show them around the town before leaving the next morning for Porta Della Taverna. We swam, walked the beach and photographed the flamingos before moving across the bay for shelter for the night.
The following morning after breakfast we motor sailed out into Olbia bay entrance opposite Tavolora Island heading north. We were surprised to see a large family of dolphins working the entrance. There was a huge grand-dad and also a small baby among the group. We believe there were approximately 12 in the group. Camera’s at the ready and we managed to get a few positive shots.
We made for Mortotio Island for coffee where we joined several other boats in the little bay. A beautiful place for a swim but surrounded by some very unfriendly rocks. It is just at the beginning of the La Maddelena marine park.
On leaving we were met by over 40 Oysters racing yachts which are taking part in Oyster Week 2010 from Porto Cervo. The larger yachts were out in front flying their spinnakers and making the most of the light wind.
We lunched at Cala Bitta behind Cappucino Island and swam before motoring over to Caprera Island to pick up a buoy for the night. Up early the next morning we moved over to Mannu Bay for a swim and breakfast. The camp site is still busy John but now all the plots are more spread out.
We had to show Geoff and Viv Spargi Island where we stopped for lunch and a swim. They enjoyed the wonderful light blue sea and Viv and I swam to the beach. Geoff the gentleman collected us in the dinghy! Back up with the sails as there was a good wind once we left the comfort of the island and we enjoyed a wonderful sail down to Capa Tessa. The ice-cream shop on the beach was still open so we launched the dinghy after making sure Ariel was safe and sound on anchor. We had the best ice-cream well earned with a delicious cold coffee drink before walking into the village and investigating the beach on the other side of the causeway which is La Colba.
We had a very peaceful night with two other boats for company.
The next morning was very dull and so after Jim checked the weather forecasts we crossed the 8 miles of the Straits of Bonifacio to Corsica and the town of Bonifacio. The wind started to build in the middle of the straits with huge rain clouds all around us but we were moored up in the marina before the wind started to do its worst.
It is now Monday and we have had three very noisy nights with the wind howling. Jim has been checking the lines constantly day and night as when it howls Ariel sways around and as the wind is so strong there is nothing else we can do. No yachts have moved for the last few days but we are hoping the howling will stop tomorrow and we will be on our way back to Sardinia. The day tripper boats have still been taking out unsuspecting customers!