Poros – Elle’s Bay 8th July, 2021 to 12th July, 2021

We decided to anchor in the top bay for the night and then the next morning set off for Aegina so we could be there to watch the Euros 2020.
We were up early at 6.30 a.m. and headed off towards Aegina but after an hour and half the wind was showing 25 knots and building. Jim said I don’t think this is really necessary for a football match so we turned around and went back in our little bay from where we left two hours before covering 11.9 miles.
I don’t think the little power boats were to happy as we were sat right in the middle in a very nice spot.
The wind kept blowing but we were able to swim and enjoy the beautiful scenery. We watched the football and we were very disappointed for the team but there is always the World Cup next year. As they say today’s news is tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. We have a great team and they will go on to do even better.