36:41.52N 28:02.58E Bozburum, Turkey.

Wednesday 11th June, 2014.
After a day of rest on Tuesday by using the swimming pool and bussing into town for a wander and a meal which we all needed after getting back from the airport at 2.30 a.m. Christine’s plane was two hours late leaving and Frank and Sue’s was slightly delayed in arriving. It was now time to be on our way to Bozburum to check out of Turkey. The wind was very strong and as usual not of any help to us and we motor sailed around the headland and up the coast. Jim managed to get an angle on the wind and off went the engine and we tacked our way into Bozburum bay. We stern to on the wall in order to visit the office which was closed a few weeks ago for redecoration everyone was told who appeared to checkout last month. Still no officers in the office and the doors were locked and we were told they may not open again this year. We will have to make to Datca to check out now.
A lovely meal and conversation at Osman’s restaurant in the evening before we left the next morning for Datca.