40:54.79N 08:42.10E Castelsardo

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Mon 23 May 2011 14:24
6th May, 2011.
After spending the morning washing off the decks Jim could not wait to leave the compound and be on our way for this year. We had been sheltered behind the marina wall and although the day had been hot due to a cloudless sky once out from behind the wall the wind soon gave us a different story. For 16 ½ miles we suffered a very sloppy sea state and had to motor sail all the way much to Jim’s annoyance to Castelsardo.
We stayed two nights in the marina as the wind was north east and whipped up the sea especially in the small entrance to the harbour. We didn’t waste the time as there is polishing to do, the hood to get back on and millions of little jobs to do plus stock the fridge.