Storm in Nidri Tuesday PM SEPT 19th
We left Nidri last Saturday to bring Graham up to Corfu to fly home on Monday evening. We experienced a thunder and lightning storm which only delayed Graham’s flight by minutes. The following day we had a dry start followed by rain, rain and more rain until the thunder and lightning started again in the evening. Down in Tranquil Bay and Vlikho they experienced in the late afternoon a small tornado which lasted 15 minutes. 25 boats in the boat yard were knocked over, at least 1 person or possibly 2 were killed while some of the boats in the bay experienced losing their masts, being grounded on the shore, boats being sunk, aerogens being torn off, bimini and awnings flying away and damage to the paint work.
Until we saw a U-tube 10 minute film-Levkas we could not believe the amount of damage which had occurred in that wonderful little bay. We can only feel lucky we missed the whole episode but very sorry for everyone who was there at the time.