Bozburun, Turkey. Friday 9th May, 2014.
We woke to another day when it looked like it was going to pour with rain so we decided to stay on the harbour wall. The charge is 50 TL which equates to about £20. No point going out and meeting the strong winds in the forecast. We had a large unfinished gulet in front of us on the wall which the day before had had delivered by tractor and trailer a huge amount of chain. They did quite well loading the chain on board until it decided it would go a lot fastest on its own and went straight into the water. There was quite a lot of shouting but they did recover the middle length and it was safely stored in the anchor locker.
As we were eating our breakfast the gulet decided to move to the outer wall and the captain with the aid of his lines pulled the gulet around nicely like on sixpence and appeared he was going to be able to reverse out but no one told the gulet how to reverse in a straight line. The poor chap was steering the gulet back and forth until it finally happened. At one time it appeared he was landing two chaps in our cockpit!
We had an Australian lady come to visit our boat and stayed most of the morning as she and her partner had only bought their boat last year on a visit and were back in Turkey for three months to holiday and get use to the boat before they sail it back to Brisbane next year. It is a nine year old Beneteau ex charter boat which they bought at a good price and hope to make a profit back home. Jim chatted about the safety equipment they will need to have on board but mostly advised her to get as much sailing experience as possible in the next year and to take some sailing courses before even thinking of crossing to the Caribbean. Her partner is also a beginner around boats!
We had a great walk along the water front and enjoyed the sunshine.
Saturday 10th May, 2014.
Still on the wall as it poured with rain for most of the morning before clearing up in the afternoon and giving us a lovely evening.