Back to the warmth! 17.02N 61.55W

Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Tue 20 Mar 2012 21:15
After three weeks away from the boat we are very glad to be back on what is our home for the year. Avril has a bit of a stiff neck and sports a small scar that could be the result of a tussle with a shark or pirates at the very least.......
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We are currently in Deep Bay enjoying much calmer winds than before we left and some glorious sunshine. We swam and snorkelled on the wreck of a cargo ship that sank when she burst into flames in 1908 carrying a hold of tar. Now home to coral and many coloured fish, the wreck made an interesting snorkelling base. The highlight of the day was seeing a large spotted eagle ray  make it’s way over the sandy bottom.
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Pete became very disheartened to discover that most wildlife in the area seemed to be attached to the hull of our boat. A morning spent with the scraper sorted a little of it but it will be a challenge to clean it all off!
With great reluctance we started to plan our journey homeSad smile
We guess we only have about 8 weeks left to cruise the Caribbean before starting to head back across the Atlantic. The time has gone so quickly and there is so much left to see.....