En Route to Porto Santo and Madeira, 36:05.97N, 11:01.8W
Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Sat 15 Oct 2011 08:28
We are currently on passage to Porto Santo, 21 hours into the journey.
Winds are light, 9 – 12 knots from the North, which has given us a lovely sail,
with boat speeds varying between 6 and 9 knots. We set off at noon from Lagos on
Friday, and headed out towards the Cape St Vincent traffic separation zone.
Doug managed to catch a 2nd fish – another Dorado, which we curried for tea
last night. Unfortunately when we went to recover the line before dark we
realised that un-noticed by us we must have caught something much bigger, that
was probably then snapped up by a shark as the trace and lure were
We all had a super night, sharing 3 hour watches. Unfortunately the wind
died at 7.00am, so we are motoring for a while until it develops again. We
should arrive later on Monday / early Tuesday if the weather remains