At anchor in Ria de Betanzos; 043.22N 008.15W

Island Wanderer
Peter and Avril Brookes
Sat 17 Jul 2010 16:32
We refuelled this morning then sailed out to a Ria just north of La Coruna. After a hard beat out of La Coruna directly into the wind, we turned the corner and had an exhilarating sail along the Ria, clocking 9 knots at one point. I must say David, Helen and I were laughing at Avril whilst beating into the wind at the start when she realised that after every 15 minute tack we had only gained about 10 metres each time on a buoy we wanted to round.
David and Helen made the most of the Sun, though Helen did try to dictate our course to ensure no shade fell on her.
We have anchored off a beach at Fontan for a late lunch, and are contemplating crossing to the other shore later to anchor overnight in more shelter, as Helen is concerned she might be bobbing up and down a little too much in the swell.
We plan to travel back to La Coruna on Sunday evening / Monday morning to rendezvous with the Raymarine repair man, then head southwards as David and Helen are booked to fly out of Porto on Friday.