hot stuff skippers blog.

Wed 29 Nov 2023 15:58
I must start by thanking people. first my wife for giving me the time and especially my daughter for coping with things at home. My crew on the boat and those who helped to bring th3 boat down. Sam for looking after evrything at the office and saving me from worring and finally the people who helped get the boat ready.
We are now around half way from start to finish although not quite half way across the atlantic. It is good to start counting the miles off. There is a lot of sea out here. For those of us who sailing the solent and english channel you can not appreiciate the emptiness of not seeing land or indeed another boat for days at at time.
As you will know from the other blogs we have not been without problems, but they do seem of less significance as you get nearer the destination. this is not to deride the efforts that the crew have taken to repair or overcome the defects. Without there skill I/ we would not have got this far.
it looks as if we will have plenty of food and drink (beer) whereas we have been told that this boat previously arrived on empty. We are now running around the clock with spinney up and which I hope will hold out. I was perhaps alittle conservative earlier on, mainly running goose winged especialy at night.
The boat will require a good clean when we get there and I am looking forward to sitting down at a table for a meal. I expect that the land will still be moving but that goes eventually.
All the best, counting the days, Steve