Stores almost complete
Thu 16 Nov 2023 23:09
The night started well until Jack took the lack ofanswer to Tiquilla or yagermister to needing both.We somehow made it to the boat but no one is exactly sure how!!!
Having said that not being sober when you wake up saves on a hangover.
Having located the issue with the stereo yesterday new one located and they are significantly cheaper here than the UK. Fitted so we now have music for those quiet days.
Food supplies were ordered for delivery tomorrow and arrived at 1700 today. So other than drinks to order we are stocked with food.
Wind mid Atlantic is looking interesting at the moment. There is plenty of time for that to change before we get there though.
YB tracker is now up and running so trackable on that from now on.
Tomorrow is the leaving party for all crews with the skippers brief lunchtime the day after.