Weather Dominates Last Night and Today

John Anderson
Wed 7 Jun 2017 19:38
The predicted area of low pressure made itself felt yesterday evening and
we hove to under storm job and a bit of mainsail all night. At one point
the barometer fell fifteen mbars in five and a half hours. There is some sort of
scale which predicts the likely wind strength from a given fall in pressure.
Conditions were far from pleasant.
A pint of tea accompanied by a pint of porridge for breakfast this morning
improved the look of the day. The barometric pressure was steady and the winds
seem to die down a bit. We sailed deeply reefed for three hours to try and
regain some of the ground lost when hove to. After that the pressure
started to rise (as we gradually emerged from the other side of the depression),
and accompanying that the wind rose once more. We returned to being hove
to, and are currently going slowly backwards on the ideal track. The
forecast suggests easier winds tomorrow.
The birdlife seems unaffected by the high wind. Birds continue to
swoop along the gullies between waves and demonstrate unfazed aerobatic
42:52.77N 54:10.96W |