Progress in getting Hamsi ready to sail

John Anderson
Fri 26 May 2017 00:27
Neil and I have now been working on Hamsi for 6 days. When we’re done
we’ll blog the whole list of jobs that we have carried out (if picky detail is
not up your street it will perhaps be worth avoiding reading that days
entry). The mast was fitted yesterday – a dry day – and since it was warm
with very little wind, Neil drove us on to fit the sails too. We worked
late into the evening to get that done. A good job too since it was cold and
windy today, and outside jobs have been far less pleasant.
Fiona Bromige has played a huge supporting role. The work on the boat
has been fuelled with piles of Canadian grub, and Fiona has provided transport
to get that, trips to the chandlery and suchlike without turning a hair and
whilst holding down a full time job and having a real life.
It is raining now and so far the water ingress is dramatically less than
last year – we hope as a result of the new rubber seals on the hatches and the
re-bedding of the sealant around 4 of the 8 chainplates. Lorna’s bunk –
which was very soggy last year is dry so far.
44:37.28N 63:34.92W |