We've Arrived!!!!!

John Anderson
Fri 8 Jul 2016 12:17
As you may see from the title of this entry, We’ve arrived :D
We had fantastic assistance in getting here from Tim Bromige who, through his contacts, put us in touch with a very keen sailor called Judy Robertson who gave us directions into the harbour by email, contact with the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron and on arrival has given us a number of contacts locally for planning sorting out the mast and its stays tomorrow.
We are currently tied up to a pontoon at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. What a journey. We’ve sailed a grand total of 3469.50 nautical miles, and we’ve been afloat and continuously moving for 862 hours non-stop (35 days 22 hours) with ne’er a cross word between us! After getting in we had hot showers, a nice pasta dinner with a bottle of champagne for celebration and then went to bed.
So far the mast is still standing. We have a lot of work to do to stabilise the mast situation and have already arranged to speak to a number of local marine trades experts. Once we’ve done that a plan of work and a plan for getting home as soon as possible will be easier to sort out.
A big thank you to everyone who has been following our progress over the last month, and particularly those who’ve emailed us with news, views and comments. It has been very nice to hear that so many people have actually taken an interest in our voyage and we hope that you have enjoyed reading about our exploits. We’ve certainly enjoyed having them.
44:37.34N 63:34.91W