southward still

John Anderson
Tue 21 Jun 2016 19:22
Today still finds us heading southward. For those of you persistent enough to have made it through the previous 20 days of our ramblings, we should explain why we are deviating so far from out great circle route. The simple truth is we cannot, at present, go where we want to go so we needs must choose an alternate route. Or course so far has been west and south. For the last 3 days we have had fairly strong westerly winds, meaning that we cannot go west, so we have had to head south instead and hope that in a few days time the winds will change and we can make our westing.
In other news, we’re down to two species of birds. no idea what they are which would imply that they probably aren’t British, which can only be a good sign. Lost a cabbage somewhere on the boat today as well (yes things really are that exciting out here) so it’s a race against time to see if we can find it before the smell gives it away.
43:23.25N 37:16.48W