It's soo hot

John Anderson
Sat 25 Jun 2016 19:59
We’ve been progressing very well for 36 hours now, and heading in the
direction we want to go as well which is a welcome relief. The wind has just
dropped in the last hour or so but we’re hoping this is just a temporary lull
rather than a herald of a change in direction.
Our whale friend returned to us yesterday evening as we were changing sail.
It came up about 30-40m away and took three breaths same as last time. Had a
proper good look at it as well. Easily over 40 feet long. As the sun was setting
we had a pod of dolphins follow us for a while again. They had a merry old time
playing in the bow wave as they seen want to do. Shockingly, we actually managed
to get a semi-reasonable photo of them for once! Still plenty of birds, though
more of the big ones than the little.
We’ve really had very little rain so far, and with all the spray that has
been coming over the decks during this trip, almost every surface of the boat is
heavily salt encrusted. This lack of rain is something we have not previously
encountered on our holidays in the west coast of Scotland.
Just after dinner some fool (for some reason his name escapes me at this
point) accidentally dropped the washing up bowl over board whilst trying to
clean it out. Thus followed a scene that would have made Laurel and Hardy
jealous as we continually circled round, not quite getting close enough or
running it over completely. You’ll be pleased to hear that after about 20 mins
of this, it was successfully retrieved, and a lot cleaner than when it
41:45.53N 44:38.02W |