16:01.521S, 152:57.400E

Sat 4 Sep 2010 05:10
Saturday September 4, 2010 1600hrs
local time
Saturday in September and no idea of the footy
scores for the first round of the finals - what sort of Aussies are we - the
kind who couldn't really care about the footy. Every day blends in with the
next, and before we know it we will be in Cairns. Not much to add today except
we had a visit from our friendly booby bird last night. He/she perched on the
outboard motor which has a black heavy duty garbage bag cover (very classy). It
was too slippery and eventually it left us but before doing so left its catch of
the day in various places down the back end of the cockpit. It was only the
smell this morning which allerted me. Plenty of small squid, white bait and
flying fish, but well beyond human consumption!
Distance to Cairns:-