09:46.24S 139:01.87W

Fri 18 Jun 2010 15:01
Finally made it to Hiva Oa. Now rafted up alongside
Rivendell our friendly Oyster 82. What a saga. Sailing in towards Hiva Oa,
running out of wind, so with 30nm to go decided to motor sail. Turned engine on,
engaged sail drive. After quite some time steaming at 2500rpm I came tothe
conclusion that the engine was not pushing us along. By dawn we were outside the
anchorage, so I dived over the side to discover the cause of our lack of power -
NO PROPELLER. The whole unit was gone from the end of the sail drive. Quick
radio call to Rivendell - no problem, out came Ian in his centre console
runabout, and towed us in.
So here we are, a day later after a good sleep, and
now need to source a prop assembly. The other option is to sail down to Tahiti
and sort it out there. Keep tuned!