14:39.68S 146:18.24w

Sat 26 Jun 2010 22:49
Saturday June 26 1530 local time (0100hrs UTC Sunday)
What a difference a day makes. After a frustrating couple of days drifting along at 2-3kts or 6 with the engine running, we decided to head to Manihi atoll to get more fuel as the forcast from here to Tahiti is for light wind, and in order to be there when we need to we would need more fuel to motor. Motor sailed or just motored overnight arriving at Manihi at dawn. Getting in was a bit hairy as we had misjudged the time and the current was on the way out at 6kts in places. I almost thought we would have to bale out when our over the ground speed dropped to zero at one point. Guy's propeller didn't let us down and with a few more revs on the engine we inched forward to calmer water. The only way we could pay for fuel was by way of a donation to the Community, and we were given fish as well! Very friendly hospitable folk. Our stay was short to make the slack tide out, and guess what 12kts of wind and we are flying along at nearly 8 kts with reefed main & #2. At this rat we will be in Papeete early on 28th BUT the wind will no doubt fade!