37:35.98N 040:01.80W sATURDAY 25TH aPRIL 1200 BST

A quiet night with one mystery ship that seemed to hound us for half the night eventually overhauling us and crossing our bows just 1.5 M ahead. Well it keeps the watch watching, instead of drifting off to sleep. A beautiful rose coloured half moon descending after 1a.m. in the midst of this ghostly encounter. Today dawned with cloud and a freshening SE breeze, now 16-18K and are close hauled with single reefs in both sails as we manage 6.5-7.3K in roughly the desired direction- heading 82 degrees, ie just north of east. We have left the Russians well behind to enjoy their shark steaks- consencus here is that if we catch a shark we may just throw the whole line overboard!! There is a SE F6-7 forecast for overnight so we are making headway while we can and hope to maintain our course through the night, though we may have to slip a little further north. La mal de mer It comes in waves Depending how the sea behaves The only cure as told to me Is sit at home under a tree (it’s getting rough again) Tony Just baked some delicious oatmeal and raison bread consumed with boiled eggs, cheese and finishing off with Guava jam Today is also washing day so we will start the generator, make some water, charge the batteries and run the washing machine and maybe the tumble drier. It was supposed to be thai chicken curry tonight but we will see what the sea state is before i commit All well skip |