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Day Two Another day another continent...Morocco beckoned so we headed through the night in thick fog for Rabat the capital, arrived in fine form for lunch to be told in no uncertain terms over the vhf that the port was closed. We later learned that his may have been due to a visit from King Mohammed. So we headed south for another 30 miles to Mohammedia, welcomed on board our first stow away- a knackered pigeon also called ‘Rabat’(we’ll clean up the mess later). This port, once a sleepy village was turned into a commercial centre by the previous King Mohammed and henceforth renamed the town in his honour. We realised that we already have a St Peter Port named after the skip, a Leigh in Wiltshire, but are looking to rename Neilville, Janettown and Stevecity and West Wittering after Keith... We could smell Africa as we sailed through last night- though we cant agree quite what the aroma was- wet sand we agreed, goat maybe, Camel dung? The call to prayer on our arrival was dutifully ignored but the Moroccan wine was remarkably acceptable All well and one more bottle will make it weller Skip |