31:0013.7N 10:35.50W Tuesday 4th November 2000
A day we didn’t quite expect: Strongish head winds forced us to slip further south off the African coast than we had anticipated. Then at last late this afternoon the wind began to veer in our favour and freshened to our 2nd force 7 of the trip with squalls and heavy if brief rain bursts, so the shirts are back on along with jumpers and waterproofs. Now at last we are able to make the heading required for Tenerife so with four reefs in the main and triple reefed genoa we plough on relentlessly through the night. A highlight of the day was a huge pod of maybe 30 dolphin spent some 45 minutes with us frolicking in the big seas, some leaping clear in 3s and 4s and other show off teenagers doing back flips. We even heard their squeaks- a first for us all. We all continue to feel excited with each dolphin spotted but this was an extra thrill. All is well. Skip |