Tuesday 2nd December 23:13.60N 020:41.00W

I have enjoyed a steady day after a good night’s sleep ( well 4 hours counts as a good night’s sleep when you are 4 hours on 6 hours off duty) Love feeling the warmth of the sun now as we head further south and skies have cleared, so enjoyed the first sunbathing session of December. You may be wondering what we do all day. We wonder that ourselves some days. We spent some time setting twin headsails for a down wind cruise. Some more good reading including mention of the original Pete and Dud pub sketch that Tom and I updated and performed some years back in Ditsum. ‘We had been down the FBI, had a couple of pints, I went home, got into bed and guess what... Bring bring... whats that? The phone going bring bring Who was it? You’ll never guess...Bloody Julia Roberts. Bloody Julia Roberts phoning transatlantic What did she say? Peter, Peter, jump on a plane, come dance with me, be mine tonight! What did you say? I said listen Julia, we’ve had our fun. We’ve had our laughs but its all over, stop pestering me. I said stop pestering me. I slammed the phone down and said stop pestering me...(and so on) Caravaning on the water is how some people describe our lifestyle and today it has not been much more demanding. 450M to go to C.V. 364 under the keel. Talking of which we are sailing in waters that are 3K deep! It is impossible to imagine what it is like down there. And writing of impossible imaginations the stars were out in all their glory last night and that leads to awesome wonderings about the galaxies and minds stuck trying to imagine what happened before the big bangs, of timelessness, of space beyond space, of infinity. Luckily by the time we have mumbled through such mind crunching questions it is usually time for sleep perchance to dream Supper time Skip |