33:32.85N 060:59.80W Saturday 18th 1745 local - 2145 bst

Fastest 24 hrs ever I think so making great progress. We are already 10% of the way there after 26 hrs so the feeling of knocking off the miles really good. I keep doing the maths as you can imagine. Cooked a fab spag bol last night and had the leftovers for lunch Had the Hydrovane working for a good while today so some progress there. Just started the engine for the first time to heat the water for washing and push us along as the wind has just calmed before it veers and brings in a F7 overnight and into tomorrow. The good news is that it is forecast to be a SW wind so that should push us along nicely even if Tony may not yet relish a further roller coaster. It is raining now which is the precursor to the wind so I will get my waterproofs out and prepare myself for a wakeful night. I have started reading a n Ian Rankin crime detection book which I am enjoying. Maybe time for an early supper while it is calm. More later Skip x |