Thursday 18th Dec 14:29.16N 051:00.79W
505 miles to go before we reach our destination in Barbados. Due to another day of light winds, more motor sailing is required. Mostly, we discuss the taking in and letting out of sails. Experimenting in this way and making use of the apparent wind which we are making will hopefully speed things up. Apart from this we like to talk about our next meal and matters philosophical. Bread rolls have been made this morning and are ready in time for lunch. Jane is suggesting making jam tarts or cheese straws for afternoon tea. We saw a large ship pass in the night and was approximately 2 miles away. So, there is evidence that there are other living beings in the large ocean and on this planet. The decks have been scrubbed and the metal polishing almost finished! This is certainly a job for the beginning of the day as the temperature is rising as we approach the Caribbean. Many more flying fish have been seen but they only seem to land on the deck during the night. This means that no fish have been taken to the galley to be filleted or to be cooked. We do occasionally see and bird and the favourite at the moment is the long tailed tropic bird. |