Blog 34

Greg Gregory
Sat 6 Dec 2014 11:05
Sat 6th December 2014
Local Time 1000 (GMT-3).
Position 18:03.63N 56:54.98W
Nautical Miles covered 2165 at 0720 GMT
Hi Folks,
Although progress has been slower than hoped for of late, with lesser periods of high winds, the crew’s spirits on board are not as depressed, as some would have you think.
In fact soon after the last blog the wind increased to 13 knots and on a broad reach, we were skimming along at 7 to 8 knots, for several hours.
Despite the high speed Pete managed to catch a 2.5 kilo fast swimming Tuna. The first Tuna of the trip. We had to slow the boat down to reel it in !
Even overnight we averaged 5.5 knots, under Genoa and Main sails.
Last night we ate vegetarian Butternut Squash Risotto, by Cap’n Greg. Tonight it will be Tuna Steaks a la Rick Stein, Potato Wedges and Tinned Peas. Our take on Fish & Chips, unfortunately no Ketchup.
ETA Antigua 1200hrs Monday 9th December + or -, looks like Cap’n Greg is going to win the bet or is it a fix ?
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