Date 10th October 2014
Local Time 2000 (GMT +2)
Position 36:49.86N 2:27.91W
Slow start this morning, well for me anyway. The rest of the crew were up and shipshape by 0715hrs and under way, when I arose at a more civilised 0900hrs.
They seemed to have everything under control.
The sky was overcast and it was a bit chilly but we persevered and put out a fishing line to see what we could catch for dinner. Within a couple of hours James Bee caught a 4kg Swordfish which later ended up in a sea food paella perfectly constructed by Chris.
Later in the day the wind rose to force 7 which made for some interesting and very wet sailing. We arrived at our new port of call Almeria at about 1710hrs. As the wind was still howling it made for some very fraught mooring with a Spanish geezer shouting instructions at us in Spanish, which we totally ignored. Cap’n Greg achieved a perfect mooring much to our surprise, and we are now all enjoying a well earned beer to get over the trauma.
Crew member No 2 (First Mate) Pete