Blog No 10

Greg Gregory
Tue 21 Oct 2014 09:39
Date 21st October 2014
Local Time 1130 (GMT +2)
Position 32:31.35N 09:56.79W
Distance in last 24 hours 167nm
Yesterday we had several hours sailing on a beam reach, but the wind dropped off, and we have motored for the last 15 hours. Our 240 litres of diesel will last 60 hours, more wind expected later, so shouldn’t have to resort to paddles !
An averaeg of 6.8 knots over the last 48 hours, with only 280nm to go, our ETA, Lanzarote, is 0530hrs Thursday.
Dolce Vita has never been in the Atlantic before, and she is behaving impeccably.
Yesterday we caught a small Tuna, about 3kg, and last night had Tuna Sushi for starters. The main course was Spaghetti Carbonara.
Lardons came from the Serrano Leg of ham, which has already lasted 3 weeks, and the other ingredients, eggs and onions, should also keep 3 weeks, so Carbonara will be served on the Atlantic Crossing.
We also baked fresh bread, to keep morale up, the flour had weevils in, all good protein, don’t tell TC !!!
The remaining Tuna is to be served up in a gourmet curry, prepared tonight, by TC, first mate, (and only mate, as he kindly pointed out).
Cap’n Greg
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