Blog 31

Greg Gregory
Tue 2 Dec 2014 11:34
Local Time 1000, (GMT-3), another time zone.
Position 19:18.05N 47:19.17W
Nautical Miles covered 1700 at 0720 GMT
Good Day to All,
Greetings from Mid Atlantic. We are now 2/3rds of our way across the Ocean.
Bearing in mind that during the long days and nights, little things assume great importance to us, the exciting things that have happened since the last Blog are:-
1. We came within a mile of a 76ft sailing yacht called Leo, also headed for Antigua. They had 6 crew, an Aussie, a New Zealander and 4 French. Communicating by VHF radio for some time, we were going to give them some eggs, (we have 42 left), and some of our stock of Blue Marlin, but the transfer in the Atlantic Rollers was deemed too dangerous, so it was called off.
2. We were sailing well with the reserve cruising chute, but when taking it down at dusk, we encountered severe difficulties, it had got twisted at the top, and would not come down! Eventually we manhandled it aboard and stuffed it in it’s bag complete with twists and tangled ropes. It will have to be sorted before we can fly it again.
3. It was now raining heavily, so we went down below to feast on huge quantities of baked Blue Marlin and Dauphinoise potatoes, a la Pete. The previous troubles evaporated quickly as our stomachs got filled.
4. Winds are easing so progress is slower, but still acceptable. With Genoa and Staysail set we expect to gain a day in the tropical sun !
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