Good News! I managed to talk to Hamish today on the
Sat Phone – in All is well, however there are a few
ongoing issues with the email that appear to be unrelated to the availability
of airtime. Accordingly it may be a few more days before any of us get an
email from him. I will be calling him again tomorrow
afternoon, so if you would like me to pass on any particular messages please
feel free to email me on mws[at]
(note ampersand removed from address to avoid junk email) Unfortunately Wade has had to return to He sound happy and well and tells me that
the boat is going well. They are keen to move on in the next day or two
– he would like to get the comms issues sorted out before then if
possible. Hamish seems to have fallen on his feet as
ever. Regards, Michael From: Michael
Webb-Speight Dear all friends of Aurelia I am sure you are all wondering how
Aurelia is going and why we haven’t heard from the guys for a couple of
weeks. Well it turns out that they ran out of
airtime on the satellite phone. Normally I would have received an email from
the supplier advising that there are only a few minutes remaining, however on
this occasion I did not. Last week I sent an enquiry to the airtime
provider in On Friday night I received confirmation
that they had run out of minutes on 12 June – which is why we
haven’t heard from them since then. Unfortunately it was too late
to add some more time until Hopefully communication will be restored
within the next 24 hours or so – although it may take a few days before
the boys try out the phone again after so long. I am really sorry if you have been worried
– and like you all I am looking forward to hearing from them Kind regards Michael Webb-Speight From: Aurelia
[mailto:Aurelia {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com] Hi to all Well we have all arrived in the Marquises safe and sound. We
made land fall at 4.00am and was great to see the massive peaks of Am at present arranging all the official side of things and
Wade and May working away on the boat we have reprovisioned (bloody expencive)
and bought some more fishing gear to replace the one's donated on the passage
across. Since arriving there have been alot of boats come in each
day and it seems that the only boat to have done the trip in 16 days ( Thanks
to Michael giving me regular Grid file updates) is a 110ft Wally the
rest of the fleet taking anywhere between 17 - 20 days with most of them
taking a rum line course or just north of. We will be leaving here tomorrow and heading out to one of
the other islands to meet up with some friends for the night and then keep
pressing on to the Tuamoto's for a quick stop and then straight to Tahiti
hoping to be there in 8 - 10 days. Hope alls well with everyone and will wright again once on
passage Regards to all
Hamish Wade and May. |