POSITION: 18:18.39N 65:17.96 Culebra Island, Spanish Virgins, Puerto Rico

Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Fri 23 Feb 2007 23:44
We left Great Harbour and did a quick detour around to the Bubble Pool on Jost Van Dyke. It is an inlet between rocks with a large pool area that the waves come crashing through and bubble through (with force) in the inlet. The kids had a great time there for about an hour, quite an experience. From there we went over to the US Virgins and into Cruz Bay where we did a check in/check out for a 24 hour period. Stopped at Christmas Cove on James Island for the night with Hark and D'accord. Found everyone on board our boat for drinks and Mike and Andrew (Hark) took the dingy across to St Thomas to find pizza for dinner. Only took 90 minutes!

Early this morning we headed into Benner Bay and everyone went to the chandlery, internet cafe, supermarket etc except for the kids and Shirley who stayed behind for some school work (BVI immigration will be pleased with us!).

Left there around mid day and headed for the Spanish Virgins, Culebra Island, which is in fact part of Puerto Rico. Got here around 5pm, in time to miss customs, but found the airport anyway. The customs man hadn't been in all day anyway as his wife is having a baby and they have gone to the mainland. So had to make a phone call and sort it out that way and report back there first thing in the morning. You just have to go with the flow sometimes!