DAY 3 NOON POSITION 24:04.62N 20:45.99W

Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Fri 15 Dec 2006 14:00
last 24 hours run 174 miles - a bit more respectable
changed our clock back 1 hour mid afternoon yesterday so sunrise is 0655 local time and sunset around 1830
Dad made banana fritters according to granpa Willies family reciepe
Battery got down to 60% this morning so have run main engine for 3 hours to recharge
Passed 100m from a Swiss boat "LifeDream" and chatted on the vhf for a while - he was doing 6 knots to our 8 so we soon left him well astern.
wind continues to head south, bringing our course more and more to the west and the barometer trending down now 1019. we would prefer to be another 100 miles south or so before turning west but will go with the conditions we have as seas are now a little confused.
all happy and well and catching up on our sleep