Prickly Bay

Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Sat 13 Jan 2007 02:21
Grenada. Good anchorage, lots of cruisers.
We are waiting for our electronic charts to turn up from St Martins.
supposed to be here Saturday or Monday. I am not holding my breath.
However they will be worth waiting for. In the meantime we will probably go
around the corner to Hog Island which is where all the cruisers hang out
(one guy has been anchored there for 9 years!) and the kids can play on the
beach with the other cruising kids.
Just went into the bay tonight for pizza and beer, and the local
jazz/Caribbean band. Lots of cruisers there and a good atmosphere.
Our current thinking on getting up the chain is to get to the Virgins by the
first week of Feb. We will skip some places like St Vincent, Montserrat
(volcanic activity is high at present), Saba, and a few other small places.
The Americans here all say the Bahamas are great.
At a guess we would be in Florida around the first week of March (give or
take a week). All this is fluid of course dependent on weather and how
things are going with the family, the locals and how much fun is being had.
The distances are roughly 500 miles to the Virgins from here, and then 1000
miles from there to Florida. The boat just clocked up 10,000 miles on our
last trip from Tobago to Grenada- which is roughly the same distance as
Gibraltar to Auckland.
The temperature is hot, the water is very warm, it rains periodically for
short bursts, and Grenada is looking more prosperous than the last two ports
of call. We are feeling so much better cooling our heels here than
Incidentally the local supermarket has Anchor butter, Anchor Cheddar, NZ
lamb and Kiwi shoe nugget. Funny the little islands in the middle of
nowhere where we have found NZ lamb!