Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Tue 6 Mar 2007 02:55
We are anchored off the main town of Charlotte
Amalie - with our Priscila safely aboard.
Turns out to be quite a rolly anchorage with lots
of horrible smells wafting past - unfortunately these factors contributed to P
feeling rather seasick last night. A word of advice to her from
Christopher..."Just one thing; if you want hot vomit, drink a cup of tea
first!" This morning she is much better and we are busy planning our day -
which will necessarily include schoolwork for the kids, shopping ashore and
internet. Jamie celebrated this morning with the completion of her
maths syllabus for last year - a solid achievement if a couple of months later
than her classmates.
The previous night we had spent at Benures Bay,
Norman Island. Only 5 other boats there and crystal clear water with lots
of fish, stingrays, turtles etc around the boat - could not be more different
from our existing surroundings. The wind blew hard that night - a few
gusts of 30+ knots and heavy rains squalls had the skipper out of his bunk a few
times. A great sail down wind to Sopers Hole to check out of the BVI and
then to St Thomas to clear into the USVI. S and the kids made it to the
airport with 5 minutes to spare to meet Priscila.
Noticed a big improvement in speed with the new
bottom paint - we had the boat at 9 and 10 knots several times yesterday - and
averaged at least a knot faster than before. Should mention that when we
hauled her out the only paint on the bottom was the remains of the primer coat
from the previous paint job! Should also say that with two coats of polish
her hull is looking very nice and shiny.