going to Granada

Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Wed 10 Jan 2007 01:02
the friends we were going to visit in Trinidad turn
out to be elsewhere at present. In the meantime every man and his dog has
warned us against going to Trinidad at the moment - lots of kidnappings and 4 to
5 murders per day have rather put us off.
As a result we will lose the company of Skippy and
his girlfriend Effie tomorrow as we head to Granada and they head to
Spent all day playing with the officials in
Scarborough today - they were a little uncomfortable with the idea that we had
cleared out of Tobago for Trinidad and then stayed - losing two crew in the
It all worked out in the end but was a pretty hard
day for the crew - the kids were amazing.
we are back at the Laundromat with internet
connection tonight - kind of an interesting concept since what else can you do
while your washing is in the machine??
tomorrow morning at 6 am we will sail for Granada -
about 75 miles so should take us about 12 hours if we have some reasonable
wind. Prickly Bay is our intended destination.
might stay a few days if we like it then head
further north
hoping to meet Anne and Georgie Farinacci within a
couple of weeks when we get further north.