NOON POSITION 19:48.53N 29:00.92W

Shirley and Michael Webb-Speight
Tue 19 Dec 2006 14:12
learn about the stars and constellations - we have now identified Orion's belt, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Sirius, Pollux and Castor (Gemini) which apparently all form part of the "heavenly G" together with the big dipper and Polaris the north star.  Skippy is doing a tutorial tonight on other constellations he has identified. Feeling very educated we are. 
look at the clouds and decide which ones have lightening in them - great entertainment involved trying to avoid these. 
check the Iridium phone is still in the oven and still wrapped in tin foil - and uncooked!
look at the phosphorescence - sometimes it looks like a reflection of the stars above.  every now and again we disturb something about the size of a dinner plate and it responds with an angry flash
sing songs in your head to the tune played by the squeak of the rigging - current favourite is the opening bars to "Sesame Street"
hum along to "Oh I'm going to Barbados - Oh I going to meet my girlfriend" 
wish we knew more of the song
contemplate the meaning of life, the size of the universe, the insignificance of one tiny boat on a vast ocean...
sail the boat by hand ljust ike in the old days
think of reasons to change course
think of reasons to not change course
argue both sides simultaneously
fill in the log, and work out the math's in your head
work out the tack angle in your head and decide if that will get us there faster
dream about visitations from a naked sea wench - last night this actually turned out to be real - in the form of the first mate - however the captain IS happy about that!
convert the true bearing to magnetic and vice versa
adjust the sails
work out how many hours it will take at current speed to cover 1900 miles
adjust the sails back again
check your watch to see if it is almost time to wake up Skippy.  this can be done up to 60 times an hour - but generally only occurs at this frequency around 3.45am
as you can see - life is never dull on the good ship Aurelia