Heading West and all that

John & Jackie Richards
Thu 31 Jul 2008 21:48
After a great night out in Dartmouth on the
mid-river barge restaurant 'Resnova', it was difficult to reconcile ourselves to
an early morning start to make our way further west. It had been great to catch
up with the Deeleys and we had also been joined by Tony and Judy Juniper (also
ex Chelmarsh dinghy sailors now based in Falmouth) who having taken delivery of
their new trimaran in Chichester were now en-route back to Falmouth. Inevitably
the wine had been flowing and it had been quite a late and boozy night. The
shipping forecast for sea area Plymouth was SE/S veering SW 5-7 occ gale
8, - not very inviting. The really poor weather looked to be in the west so
we decided to to set off with a view to turning round if conditions outside the
harbour weren't too good. In the end we motor-sailed around Start Point before
the wing began to build and the forecast force 5-7 arrived! A very wet and windy
'sleigh ride' interspersed with some significant squalls ensued as we made our
way to Fowey. We eventually arrived in Fowey mid afternoon, thoroughly soaked,
tired and glad to be in harbour to find a text message from friends Tim and
Helen Corner who had sailed overnight from the Solent arriving in Dartmouth an
hour after we had left this morning - "We're in Dartmouth - where are you?"
After a trip ashore in the water taxi to sample a rain soaked Fowey we are
having a 'quiet one' aboard tonight. The weather forecasts are not looking
promising for Biscay at the moment - where is the Azores high????