
John & Jackie Richards
Mon 1 Dec 2008 14:03
Position 018:51.234N
As Howard put in yesterday's blog our night watches
change every four hours between 8pm to 8am and we then have two six hour day
time watches between 8am-2pm, 2pm-8pm. We are all now pretty well adapted to
sleeping for much shorter spells than we would normally at home. Quality of
sleep is not always great and depends on the conditions, boat speed and waves
which can create a lot of noise down below decks. We have also had to make sure
that we do try and catch up with some zzz's during the day time off-watch period
- it is too easy to keep going only to find ourselves getting tired later.
Having to crawl out of a sleeping bag at midnight and 4am, get dressed and
locate/put on life jacket in semi-darkness has now become an almost automatic
process. And yes it is fun...!?!
The crew are all in good spirits and enjoying the
trip. The sailing has been pretty good and has varied between exhilarating
sleigh rides to doodling along in light winds. The trade winds we would normally
expect have been disrupted by a number of low pressure systems and are not now
forecast to appear until Wednesday. At time of blogging (12.30pm Mon) we are
absolutely creaming along at 8+knots after a slow start with the spinnaker and
genoa. The wind is from an ESE direction and we have another ARC boat within a
few miles of us doing a similar course. We have only motored for two hours in an
almost dead calm one night since leaving Las Palmas.
And what of the crew? I am still in a state of
shock from opening the door to the aft heads and discovering a naked
full-frontal Andrew having a wash down. I may need counselling. He was in a
state of even more shock as I was holding two clothes pegs menancingly
in each hand.......!
We managed to catch another fish yesterday
morning-a pretty large one but failed to land it on board. We are
obviously novices but it put up a ferocious struggle as it reached the transom
and broke the line.
Captain John is worrying about chaffe on the ropes
which is a real problem - we have to check the rigging and all sheets daily- and
the absence of trade winds but is managing to skipper a happy crew. No mutinies
yet and jumping ship might be difficult in any case!
Adrian is resuming fishing responsibilities again
from Andrew today in the hope of landing one this time and is a great Bat watch
Andy C has had better luck with fishing having narrowly missed being hit by a flying fish on the
night watch and we now have the culprit for bait. We have seen many shoals of
flying fish and they are a great sight as they fly by across the water.
Howard is our astronomer in residence and sextant
king - his positions get better and better!
Andrew is having a 'plimsoll line'
marked on his wine glass for sundowners as his hand appears to slip when
pouring his own. Nicola will be pleased to know that he has lost 3cm from his
waist line although discretion prevents me from revealing the original start
point - there is some way still to go!!
The night watch games continue - Alpha watch are
now on to composers while Bat watch being children of the 50's and 60's worked
our way around a Monopoly board. Infuriatingly we still cant remember the third
street in the Pall Mall,Northumberland Ave trio! Ditto the sixth protaganist and
murder weapon in Cluedo! Answers on a postcard please!!
Signing off for now. Love to all at home,
PS Caza and Nicola - we've received your messages-
thanks x