Savannah is a cool, hot place where they drink a lot, but have a history problem!

Phil Scourfield
Sun 12 Jun 2016 19:07
32:04.9N 081:05.5W

9th - 14th June, 2016

Cool means full of character, charming and quaint. Hot is 90 - 100 degrees Fahrenheit with little breeze and sap your energy.

We boarded a hop on and off tram to orientate to the city even though the historic part is contained within about a coupe of square miles. We loved the lay out inspired by the British settlor, General James Oglethorpe with 114 English settlers who arrived in 1733 with a land grant permission from King George 11. They were met by the Yamacraw Native American tribe that had lived here for centuries. It seemed that amicable discussions took place.

Ogelethorpe named the state Georgia after the King and laid out the plan for Savannah that had 24 squares of which 21 still survive today.

Included amongst the old historic buildings is Mercer Williams House which was the scene for the book and film, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Helen read the book when we lived in Louisville, Kentucky so was eager to view the house. It is a very well maintained house built in the 1860's. It seems in those days the home owners vied to flaunt their wealth and did so by use of metal railings and decorative features. So the more metal work adorning the house exterior the richer the owner must be! The photo is of the Mercer house.

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A great town in which to spend some time. But onwards we must go. Next stop Charleston, South Carolina.