Cayo Vivario

Mon 21 Mar 2016 20:05
15.50.6N 83.18.1W
Hi there,
We departed Providencia yesterday morning at first light and had a great sail in company with 6 other boats. The winds however got lighter as the evening came and we ended up motor sailing throughout the night and next morning. We have now arrived at an overnight stopover, before the next 2 day sail to Roatan. This stopover is a small and unihabited lagoon about 50 miles off the coast of Honduras. It is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. We are all anchored together.
It is a lovely spot with crystal clear water. Georgina and I have already been for a snorkel to check that the anchor is dug in OK.
Will send another update when we arrive at Roatan.... though we may stay an extra day here if the winds are still light for tomorrow.
Best Wishes,
John & Georgina