Troon to Portavadie

We left Troon at 1145, on the N going tide, heading forPortavadie,(55:52.2N, 05:19.0 ), approximately 33 miles away in Lower Loch Fyne. A very easy and lazy day in bright sunshine.....and very little wind.
We headed over towards Arran and then followed the coast up towards Portavadie. The idyllic scene was interrupted as you can see from the pics, as we came close to a large submarine ( with its escort of men in black in accompanying fast open boats...not to be messed with ). We came across several other frigates and destroyers, including a Danish warship on live firing exercises. We heard a very nice Danish lady radio operator calling a yacht and asking if he would be so kind as to alter course to move out of their exclusion zone. His ( speedy) compliance earned him a very nice ‘ thank you for your understanding sir, and have a nice day’. Get that close to a US warship and you would be on your final warning before very bad things started happening.
Tied up in Portavadie at 1800, and learnt from a notice in reception that it was runner up in the rankings for the UK’s top marinas. It is very difficult to imagine what the winning Marina must have in terms of facilities and scenery to beat Portavadie. It remains, by a considerable margin, the most luxurious and well appointed marina that Moondog has ever visited.
Bogdan’s Blog
This was supposed to be fun, but since they found me it seems I am supposed to work. Today was following our course on the plotter and then working out a course up Loch Fyne. Just because I have a school rucksack doesn’t mean I want to actually be at school...why do they think I crept onto this boat in the first place ?
Haven’t found any scorpions to eat either, but still looking. Plenty of places to hide on here.