Rest day on 22 May

Brian Whitefoot
Tue 22 May 2012 17:00
After our arrival on Monday, we had gone out to eat and then find a Guiness. All worked perectly until 2am when Claire discovered that either her crab or oysters were not to her liking. Despite her protests in the morning, it was not too difficult to stay in port to allow some recovery time...and it was a very murky grey day anyway. As soon as I had met the pile driver men and confirmned with me that they would not be banging away today, the decision was confirmed.
So we spent a lazy day watching fishing boats fiddle about in the harbour, and the pile driver men play with their floating platform. It turns out that they were engaged in a particularly Irish style of pile driving, in that their main job was to try and pull out the existing piles, rather than bash them in. It was all to test that the plies were still up to the job of holding the marina pontoons together, and gave us endless enjoyment during the day.
We ate on the boat this night....and no raw fish !
Brian Whitefoot
Mob (44) 07721 849213