Kinsale to Crosshaven

27/6/11 Kinsale to RCYC
This was to be Phil, Sian and Naomi’s first ever cruising sail, so a nice short 20 mile hop to The Royal Cork Yacht Club in Crosshaven. It was a reasonable day with a steady F4 outside the bay, and not too much rain. As always, the previous non sailing crew change day had been wall to wall sunshine, and now we were back to sun and showers, but at least it was not too windy for the introduction to sailing.
No dramas getting out of the marina, with the new crew handling the lines like pros, and then Sian and Naomi helmed us down the river and out to sea. It was an uneventful, but pleasant, sail up the coast to the entrance to Cork harbour and Phil helmed us into the harbour entrance and then down the river to the RCYC marina. This was a return visit of course, as we are retracing our earlier trip down the coast, and the helpful staff remembered us....maybe that is why they sent 3 people out to catch our lines ! Anyway, moored up without problem, and without any of the new crew having to make the leap of faith from boat to pontoon.
Plenty of time to wander into Crosshaven for supplies and to sample one of the pubs, before breaking the news to Sian and Naomi that they would be getting up at 0500 tomorrow......a time of day they were not overly familiar with, and certainly not in the context of it denoting the start of a day, rather than the end of a long night’s partying. So it was fairly early to bed to rest before a long day tomorrow.