Tourist in Gothenberg

Brian Whitefoot
Mon 14 Jun 2010 20:04
Friday 11th to Sunday 13 June were spent in Gothenberg's Langedrag Marina, home of the Royal Gothenberg Sailing Club. This is a very well organised and friendly marina, and is to be recommended. This long stay was planned for crew changes, but would have been required anyway , as a weather system came throiugh, bringing real Force 8 plus gale force winds for the Friday night and Saturday. We spent a fairly sleepless night checking moorings and being bounced around, albeit ( and thankfully) in the confines of the marina.
New crew member Avis joined on Saturday, and we spent Sunday as tourists in Gothenberg, awaiting our other new crew member, my old friend and ex colleague Steve Hoffman, who was incorporating a week helping me with Moondog into a summer holiday in Europe. We also said goodbye to Cathy and Michael, who had helped bring Moondog up from Copenhagen over the last week, in fairly mixed that was much appreciated.
Gothenberg was an interesting place, and we spent time exploring old warships and submarines in the maritme museum...we are obviously getting far too focussed on the sea. The transport system here is also very well organised, with buses , trams and trains all linked, making it very easy to move around across all the west coast area ; this is going to be very helpful for the next few crew changes.
Sailing resumes , with a new crew, on Monday.